Dear All My Wannabe’s,

So you wanna be a blogger? Maybe even make it big? lololol I want to do that too (these college loans aren’t paying themselves). Most of my posts have all been assignments from my professor, and even my blog site just consists of criteria I had to follow. However, I will say I have learnedContinue reading “Dear All My Wannabe’s,”

Social Media Missionaries

Father Adam MacDonald fits in quite well on our St. Ambrose University campus, and knows how to take a lit selfie. This week at St. Ambrose University I participated in our chapel’s “Busy Student Retreat”, a four day event held on campus. Students only have to sacrifice 30 minutes to an hour of their ‘busy’Continue reading “Social Media Missionaries”

Why I Would Join Scientology

They’re good at what they do. Scary good. Before anyone reads this and panics, don’t call my mom. I’m still Catholic. However, if I was unaware of Christianity, or looking for a new church, or never had heard of Scientology before, I would be intrigued. So I feel as though I should give some backgroundContinue reading “Why I Would Join Scientology”

1O Ways Colleges Lie to You

I could write 100 reasons. Seriously people go into a trade. We need more plumbers. So background info., if ya don’t know I go to St. Ambrose University and I am a sophomore majoring in psychology. This being said, I’ve now had two years of experience listening to SAU spray information at their students toContinue reading “1O Ways Colleges Lie to You”

Your Authentic Brand Voice

Assignment #1 is here, and I have been instructed to evaluate a blog and follow up on its content and design. Feels slightly hypocritical seeing as though my blog is a creative mess but gossip is gossip, so let’s get a little judgy here boys and girls. Tonight I’m evaluating the blog “SPINSUCKS”, and moreContinue reading “Your Authentic Brand Voice”

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